Energy-Efficient Cookstoves

Promoting the adoption of Energy-Efficient Cookstoves.

Black carbon (BC) aerosol emissions are a major problem in the six countries bordering the Himalaya.

The primary source of black carbon is traditional open-fire cooking using solid fuels, which contributes a large amount of CO2 emissions iin these countries, for example, 12 - 18% of total CO2 emissions in India. As black carbon aerosols are deposited on the Himalayan glacial surfaces, they further reduce their albedo, accelerating melting. Moreover, black carbon emissions cause premature death for over 1 million people in India alone.

Even though energy-efficient cookstoves and cooking gas lines (LPG) are available, the primary reasons for people not adopting are lack of awareness and affordability.

To reduce black carbon and CO2 emissions from traditional open-fire cooking, we plan to distribute energy-efficient cookstoves and create awareness for the adoption. By using grassroots organizations like Paschim Banga Vigyan Mancha ( we distribute cookstoves and monitor their use. So, companies can fund this program instead of paying for carbon credits and the corporate social responsibility